Out-Of-The-Way Marketing Methods for New Start-Ups!

Brand Design Agency

Marketing has undergone tremendous changes in the past few years, absorbing the advancement of social platforms and new means of reaching out to people. If you are a new start-up, you need to adopt some new strategies to market your product because the old methods are slowly fading away. Marketing is a truly creative domain; you simply can’t survive by doing the same thing over and over. There are no stringent rules and the scope of experimentation is far and wide. There is no single method that wins the game every day which makes improvisation so important. So here are some out-of-the-way marketing methods that can work wonders for the new generation. The data has been collected from a leading brand design agency Melbourne, to highlight each method’s effectiveness.

Live Videos

Live Videos basically mean creating a live event where you engage the audiences for a display of your service, product or make a special arrangement that your target audience may want to see. This is a great idea for small businesses, local store owners and probably everyone else who has a good follower ship on social media. Live videos are exciting because people can interact with you in a deeper way. Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram provide live video option.

Snap Stories

Snapchat is another social platform that’s widely popular among this modern generation. It allows short video clippings to be broadcasted to the followers of a particular account. Reports from the brand design agency Melbourne have shown that brands that are highly active on Snapchat are able to gain more followers quickest among other social platforms. Snap Stories are a series of clippings that serve as great advertisement vehicle for brands.


A webinar is a seminar hosted on the web. It is another way of Live Video but it only allows one-way interaction. Webinars can help you gain a few but dedicated followers rather than more and blind followers. Webinars are generally used for educating your audience on your own services or creating knowledgeable content that people might be interested in. You can use webinars in accordance to your niche.


Giveaways are a new concept in which brands hand out free products to their followers. The brand design agency Melbourne suggests that people fall for giveaways rather quickly and whether they are interested in your brand or not, they’ll connect with you socially anyway; which is not a bad way to get increase your audience. Giveaways can be hosted in several ways. You can ask people to follow your social handles, suggest your page to more people and interact on a wider scale, and people will do all this for you in hopes of getting the free products.

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